
WBF’s – The Anatomy of a Successful Web Video Series

We’ve been hosting SEOmoz’s video for a little over a year now. During that time SEOmoz has published about 60 Whiteboard Fridays. One thing to know about Wistia (in addition to our penchant for ping pong and video SEO) is that we have an unhealthy obsession with video analytics. As sort of an “anniversary” gift for the Mozzers we decided to analyze their series and see what kind of juicy statistical nuggets we could pull out of the data.

Road to Moz

Creating a web video series is an amazing way to engage with and build an audience, but it’s difficult to find metrics or benchmarks to define success. Given SEOmoz’s amazing transparency in everything they do, we thought it would be useful to create a resource that other companies could use to “see inside” a successful web video series.

Below, you’ll find the full infographic, but here are a few highlights:

  • Over 132,000 unique people have watched at least one SEOmoz video…10x the number of SEOmoz customers!
  • Loyal viewers (those that have watched more than one video) spend more than 6x the amount of time viewing SEOmoz videos than casual viewers (those that have watched only a single video).
  • When someone watches a single SEOmoz video, they are twice as likely to watch another SEOmoz video than someone who hasn’t viewed any of their videos.

Improve Engagement Metrics with Video

One of the most surprising findings from the data was that users who watched more than one video, the average engagement time was 35 minutes. Even those visitors who only watched a single video were engaged an average of 6 minutes, well above the average time on site for the typical SEOmoz visitor.

Consider the effect this has for engagement metrics such as time on site, page views, and even conversions.

4 Video Tips

Some tips to help increase engagement with video:

  1. Suggest Similar and/or related videos on the same page. How many times have you watched one video, and then instantly watched another when one was available? Give this option to your visitors and they will take advantage of it.
  2. Inspire viewers to want to investigate further with a cliffhanger or a preview. Or use the video to highlight special sections of your site that they can visit on their own.
  3. Provide a user-friendly landing page that contains a full list of all the videos on your site. This makes a great content hub.
  4. Encourage visitors to sign up for email notifications when new videos in the series are released.

Without further adieu, “The Road to Moz”…

View this infographic full-size.

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